How do you take care of someone with endometriosis?

How do you take care of someone with endometriosis

How do you take care of someone with endometriosis? There is no one definitive answer to this question, as each person’s situation is unique. How do you take care of someone with endometriosis if you are new to this disease? Well, being a husband to someone with deep infiltrating endometriosis, I have found that being … Read more

Your wife has endometriosis, what can you do?

Your wife has endometriosis

What to do when your wife has endometriosis? So, what to do when your wife has endometriosis? When your wife has endometriosis not only is the one who is affected but your life is also impacted by it. She suffers from severe abdominal pain, brain fog, fatigue, anemia, anxiety, and depression. All of this will … Read more

What is the best thing for endometriosis?

What is the best thing for endometriosis

What is the best thing for endometriosis? A caring husband’s perspective. What is the best thing for endometriosis? My personal experience has taught me that the best thing for endometriosis is the partner’s love and support because no amount of painkillers, hormones, or procedures will help her feel better. “Endo-Tool” Endometriosis for Men SEND IT … Read more

Relationships are in crisis with endometriosis!

Relationships are in crisis with endometriosis

Relationships are in crisis with endometriosis! Helping female partners with endometriosis. A silent crisis… There’s a silent crisis among women who suffer from endometriosis, however, no one ever talks about their partners. No one talks about men and this is why relationships are in crisis with endometriosis. “Endo-Tool” Endometriosis for Men SEND IT MY WAY! … Read more

How to comfort someone with endometriosis?

How to comfort someone with endometriosis

How to comfort someone with endometriosis? Endometriosis for men! How to comfort someone with endometriosis? For those unfamiliar with my work, I dedicated this blog to male partners of women who suffer from endometriosis and fibromyalgia. Today I answer a question of how to comfort someone with endometriosis because it’s very close to my heart. … Read more

The truth about living with endometriosis.

The truth about living with endometriosis

The truth about living with endometriosis. From a man to a man, the real struggles of your partner. The truth about living with endometriosis. Having a chronically ill wife I’ve come to realize how many men are uninformed about this condition. Understanding the truth about living with endometriosis being really complex, is the key to … Read more

How to explain endometriosis to your partner?

How to explain endometriosis to your partner

How to explain endometriosis to your partner? From a husband of a wife with endometriosis… How to explain endometriosis to your partner? If you live with endometriosis, you already know how complex this chronic illness is, but how to explain endometriosis to your partner, for whom the menstrual cycle seems alien enough? “Endo-Tool” Endometriosis for … Read more

Loving a Woman with Endometriosis (Updated 5th Mar 2024)

An image titled 'Loving a Woman with Endometriosis' that captures a tender moment where a couple is seen walking hand in hand through a field of wildflowers at sunset. The woman's hair is adorned with flowers that subtly resemble the form of endometrial cells, weaving her condition into her beauty. The man walks by her side, his posture protective and attentive, ensuring she feels supported and cherished. The golden hues of the sunset cast a warm light over them, symbolizing hope and the enduring nature of their love. This image reflects the journey of love and support, emphasizing the strength and resilience found in the bond between partners when facing the challenges of endometriosis together.

Loving a Woman with Endometriosis (Updated 5th Mar 2024) There are frequently asked questions about endometriosis that come to the minds of many men because even though loving a woman with endometriosis brings a lot of joy, it can also be hard and challenging at times. Loving a woman with endometriosis, I’ve learned that compassion … Read more