Why my partner’s chronic illness makes me distant?

Why my partner's chronic illness makes me distant

Why my partner’s chronic illness makes me distant? It’s hard to see the person you love suffer from a chronic illness. It can be even harder when you feel like you can’t do anything to help them. This can sometimes lead to feeling distant from your partner. By asking “why my partner’s chronic illness makes … Read more

How to acknowledge having a chronically ill partner?

How to acknowledge having a chronically ill partner

How to acknowledge having a chronically ill partner? It can be difficult to acknowledge having a chronically ill partner. You may feel like you are the only one who supports them and that they are constantly sick. However, it is important to remember that your partner is still the same person you fell in love … Read more

What effects do chronic illnesses have on relationships?

What effects do chronic illnesses have on relationships

What effects do chronic illnesses have on relationships? Knowing what effects do chronic illnesses have on relationships can help people manage their condition and maintain healthier relationships. Chronic illness can put a strain on any relationship, but the effect it has will vary depending on the couple’s individual situation. Chronic Illness Dedicated to Male Partners … Read more

How to explain brain fog to someone?

How to explain brain fog to someone

How to explain brain fog to someone? It can be tough to try and explain brain fog to someone who doesn’t experience it themselves. My wife suffers from stage IV deep infiltrating endometriosis and fibromyalgia disorder. Both conditions cause brain fog. In the beginning, I never knew what her conditions were, let alone the brain … Read more

When someone you love is sick.

When someone you love is sick

When someone you love is sick. Chronic illness and relationship. When someone you love is sick… When someone you love is sick, your relationship is impacted by challenges that none of the healthy couples will ever experience. I never imagined I would be in the position I’m in today, but I am humbled to be … Read more

Falling in love with someone with a chronic illness.

Falling in love with someone with a chronic illness

Falling in love with someone with a chronic illness. How can you make it work? Falling in love with a chronic ill person… When I met my wife in 2008, she was a professional dancer, choreographer, and performer. After her diagnosis of endometriosis, M’s health began to worsen month by month. Falling in love with … Read more

What to do when my husband resents my chronic illness?

Your husband resents your chronic illness.

What to do when my husband resents my chronic illness? Advice for wives from a man whose wife has multimorbidity. What to do when my husband resents my chronic illness? For over a decade I supported my wife through various stages of multiple chronic conditions but I never gave my wife a reason to say … Read more

Why does no one talk about family caregivers?

why no one talks about family caregiver page

Why no one talk about family caregiver? Why nobody talks about family caregiver? If there are countless blogs and websites dedicated to those who suffer from chronic illness, why does no one talk about the family caregivers? No one ever asks, how are YOU today? It seems to me like the very question is not … Read more