What is the best thing for endometriosis?

What is the best thing for endometriosis

What is the best thing for endometriosis? A caring husband’s perspective. What is the best thing for endometriosis? My personal experience has taught me that the best thing for endometriosis is the partner’s love and support because no amount of painkillers, hormones, or procedures will help her feel better. “Endo-Tool” Endometriosis for Men SEND IT … Read more

Men as spousal caregivers.

Men as spousal caregivers

Men as spousal caregivers. The challenges and lack of support for male spousal caregivers. Men as spousal caregivers. My personal experience in supporting my wife who has two chronic conditions taught me that the voices of men as spousal caregivers aren’t taken seriously. Male spousal caregivers like myself are swept aside by society. We are … Read more