My endometriosis is making me suicidal…

My endometriosis is making me suicidal

My endometriosis is making me suicidal! Helping one another survive endometriosis… My endometriosis is making me suicidal… Helping one another survive endometriosis can be extremely challenging. When you hear your partner say “my endometriosis is making me suicidal”, you feel a rush running through your veins, you feel scared, lost, and really hopeless. “Endo-Tool” Endometriosis … Read more

Helping my wife with chronic pain…

Helping my wife with chronic pain

Helping my wife with chronic pain. How do I support my wife with two chronic illnesses? How am I helping my wife with chronic pain? When I married this beautiful Italian girl, I never expected my life to turn upside down, however, helping my wife with chronic pain made my marriage flourish despite the hardship … Read more

Why endometriosis destroys marriages?

Why endometriosis destroys marriages

Why endometriosis destroys marriages? I have been married to my wife for 10 years, and we’ve been together for over 13 years. We went through challenges that no healthy couple ever will. Our marriage survived. Since endometriosis in marriage and divorce are rarely spoken of, I decided to explore why endometriosis destroys marriages. Endometriosis and … Read more

When someone you love is sick.

When someone you love is sick

When someone you love is sick. Chronic illness and relationship. When someone you love is sick… When someone you love is sick, your relationship is impacted by challenges that none of the healthy couples will ever experience. I never imagined I would be in the position I’m in today, but I am humbled to be … Read more