How to react when your chronically ill spouse blames you?

How to react when your chronically ill spouse blames you

How to react when your chronically ill spouse blames you? Chronic illness and its impact on male partners… A life-long condition! When your partner falls ill due to a lifelong chronic condition, it rewrites the script of your relationship forever. Often happens that your chronically ill spouse blames you for things despite your best efforts … Read more

Tips for men caring for chronically ill wives.

Tips for men caring for chronically ill wives

Tips for men caring for chronically ill wives, from a devoted husband. My tips for men caring for chronically ill wives. There is a countless number of men caring for chronically ill wives who don’t know which way to turn. It is especially difficult for those gents who support their wives with multimorbidity. Having more … Read more

Why does no one talk about family caregivers?

why no one talks about family caregiver page

Why no one talk about family caregiver? Why nobody talks about family caregiver? If there are countless blogs and websites dedicated to those who suffer from chronic illness, why does no one talk about the family caregivers? No one ever asks, how are YOU today? It seems to me like the very question is not … Read more