How to help a stressed wife who has endometriosis?

Endometriosis and stress impact one another and this is why it can be challenging at times to be supportive of a wife with endometriosis. So how to help a stressed wife who has endometriosis if stress is a trigger for her endometriosis?


Endometriosis for Men

    By being understanding, supportive, and patient you show your wife that you are willing to help her through this tough time. Try to be a shoulder for her to cry on and an ear to lend when she needs to vent. Love her unconditionally.

    I always say that the best gift you can ever give to a chronically ill partner is your unconditional love and support. After 10 years, I certainly know this to be true in my marriage. My wife is the love of my life, and she couldn’t do this endo journey without me by her side.

    As for today, my top tip on how to help a stressed wife with endometriosis is to educate yourself about her endometriosis as much as you can, so that you can be the best support system for your wife possible.

    I say “her” because every person is different, has different circumstances and endometriosis affects each person in a unique way.

    Understand that endometriosis is chronic and incurable. And that it can be very unpredictable. Be supportive and understanding – try to be a shoulder for her to cry on and an ear to lend when she needs to vent, so your wife will appreciate any support you can give her.

    Most of all, love her unconditionally.

    Your wife is unique!

    Your wife is unique, like every other woman with endometriosis. My wife is unique too.

    Why do I say that?

    Because even two women who have the same type and stage of endometriosis can have very different endometriosis symptoms. And endometriosis can also impact each woman differently, depending on her individual circumstances.

    So, while it’s important to educate yourself about endometriosis as much as you can, ultimately, the best way to help your stressed wife who has endometriosis is to simply be there for her, in whatever way she needs you.

    And if you’re not sure what she needs, just ask her. I found it to be the best way to learn.

    Doctors know only so much, they know a lot, but they always treat every person the same> I think that they shouldn’t treat endometriosis, they should treat the person, not a number. They should treat a woman because of her uniqueness.

    There is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to endometriosis so what they offer your wife might not work for her, and that’s okay.

    My wife badly responds to hormones and opioids. Hormonal treatment doesn’t agree with her. The same applies to painkillers. She is only able to take paracetamol and Diclofenac. But despite not having this common approach, she is no worse than other women who take medications. She actually has no side effects. I dare to say – she’s better off.

    If you want to learn more about endometriosis, I wrote an “Endo-Tool, Endometriosis for Men” e-Book. You can get the 1st Chapter of the e-Book for FREE, and if you like it, you’ll get a Whopping 33% Discount on the Whole Book, plus discounts on other helpful tools. You have nothing to lose but a lot to gain!

    The first chapter alone contains all the comprehensive medical knowledge about endometriosis, including:

    • What is endometriosis?
    • What are the symptoms?
    • What causes endometriosis?
    • What does endometriosis look like?
    • What are the stages?
    • What are the types?
    • What is adenomyosis and how is it related to endometriosis?
    • Why do some women develop severe endo and others don’t?
    • Does endometriosis cause infertility?
    • How is endometriosis diagnosed?
    • Do types and stages affect the treatment?
    • Recurrence of endometriosis after excision surgery.

    FREE Chapter of “Endo-Tool”

    Endometriosis e-Book for Men

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      You share the journey.

      Endometriosis is a journey, and you can be a part of that journey. You share it together. You are not responsible for endo, but you can be a great support to your wife.

      Whatever she’s going through, at some level, you are too.

      The amount of worry I went through, especially being at work and thinking, is unbelievable. I had to learn alongside my wife how to accept “the new normal.” Endometriosis and stress often occur together.

      I will NEVER be able to fully understand what she’s going through, but whenever she felt stressed, anxious, depressed, or even suicidal, I felt it.

      We both share ups and downs. Her fears and laughter, her joy and sadness, we share it all. And I don’t mind it because I love her. It is a long and hard road, but you can do it! Endometriosis is a long and hard road, but you can do it!

      A wife with endometriosis doesn’t differ from a wife without endometriosis. She may be a bit more tired, and she may have more pain, but she is still the same person you fell in love with. I promise you, she still loves you too.

      The endometriosis divorce rate…

      For better and for worse, I swore to take care of my wife, even though the endometriosis divorce rate amongst couples with this condition is as high as 75 percent. But endometriosis doesn’t have to end your marriage.

      In fact, endometriosis can actually make your marriage stronger.

      Even though my wife asked me to divorce her on 4 separate occasions, I always declined. You cannot make any permanent decisions based on temporary emotional outbursts. Be patient, don’t be impulsive.

      The endometriosis divorce rate is high because endometriosis is a long and hard road. It’s a hard road for both of you, but it’s a road that you can walk together.

      If endometriosis is making your marriage harder, then you need to talk about it. You need to communicate with each other. You need to be honest with each other. It is important in a healthy relationship, but even more, being the husband of a wife with endometriosis.

      This high endometriosis divorce rate can be lowered if couples learn to communicate and support each other through this journey. Endometriosis does not have to end your marriage, but it will end your marriage if you don’t communicate and support each other.

      So, how to help a stressed wife who has endometriosis?

      The most important thing you can do is to be there for her. Be her support system. endometriosis can be a very isolating condition, and she needs to know that she’s not alone.

      Endometriosis and stress.

      Stress has a significant impact on how your wife feels. Her endometriosis may flare up when she’s stressed, and the pain can be debilitating.

      To help a stressed wife who has endometriosis you need to minimize the triggers that are the cause of your wife’s stress. They can be different for each person, so it’s important to identify what they are.

      In my wife’s case, as it may also be in the case yours, it is not the lack of understanding, but ignorance of other people, especially the medical general practitioners and family, who should know best, they all contribute to the women’s who suffer from endometriosis stress. These are the triggers.

      In terms of other triggers of stress, endometriosis can be very unpredictable. The pain can come and go, and it can be hard to plan anything in advance. This can be frustrating and stressful for your wife.

      It’s important to be understanding and patient. You need to be her rock, her foundation.

      I don’t know how your wife, but my wife’s endometriosis-related stress reveals itself in a form of anxiety, OCD, depression, self-harm, and suicidal thoughts. This is usually caused by her agonizing endometriosis pain, chronic fatigue, endometriosis brain fog, and a lack of concentration.


      Endometriosis and anxiety.

      When it comes to anxiety, is a common comorbidity of living with endometriosis. Your wife may be worried about the pain, her fertility, or about how endometriosis will impact her life.

      It’s important to talk to your wife about her anxiety and help her find ways to manage it. Maybe she needs to see a therapist, or maybe she just needs some extra support from you.

      Whatever it is, you need to be there for her.

      Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is another common comorbidity of endometriosis. It is also a form of anxiety. It is a disorder that doesn’t seem so common, but it actually is. Women feel very embarrassed and try not to show it to others whilst general anxiety seems more acceptable.

      Your wife may be obsessively worried about the pain, or she may have repetitive behaviors that she feels she needs to do in order to manage the endometriosis.

      For my wife, endometriosis, and fibromyalgia which she also suffers from took away a big chunk of her life. She’s lost control over many aspects of her life and found. that in some way OCD allows her to feel some sense of control. But the fact is, that unfortunately, OCD took control of her.

      Again, it’s important to talk to your wife about her Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder to help her find ways to manage it. Maybe she needs to see a therapist, or just needs more support from you, my man.

      Endometriosis and depression.

      Pain, anxiety, OCD, and isolation can all contribute to feelings of depression.

      If your wife is depressed, it’s important to get her help. Apart from therapy, or your support, she may need medication, and even though medication should always be the last resource, it is sometimes necessary.

      Endometriosis can also lead to self-harm and thoughts of suicide also aren’t uncommon. Because of the pain that can be unbearable, your wife may have thoughts of suicide. She will never show it to you, as she doesn’t want to worry you, but it’s something that may be going through her mind.

      If your wife is self-harming or has thoughts of suicide, it’s important to get her help immediately!

      She may need to be hospitalized to keep her safe. In most cases, however, lending a listening ear can be really beneficial.

      The chronic fatigue caused by being in constant pain is a big issue for women with endometriosis. The pain can be so exhausting, that your wife may not have the energy to do anything else.

      This can be really isolating, and can definitely lead to depression.

      It’s important to try to encourage your wife to do things that she enjoys, even if it’s just small things. It’s also important to help her with day-to-day tasks, such as housework, cooking, and taking care of the kids.

      The endometriosis brain fog can also be really isolating. Your wife may feel like she can’t think straight, and that she’s losing her mind.

      Again, it’s important to talk to her about how she’s feeling and to try to encourage her to do things that she enjoys. You may need to help her with day-to-day tasks, such as decision-making, and planning.

      Endometriosis can have a big impact on a woman’s life, and on her relationships. It’s important to be there for your wife and to support her through this difficult time.

      15 tips on how to help a stressed wife who has endometriosis.

      My tips on how to help a stressed wife who has endometriosis are simple. Here are 15 of them:

      1. Talk to her about her endometriosis, and listen to her concerns.
      2. Help her find ways to manage the pain, such as using heat or taking over-the-counter pain medication.
      3. Help her to find ways to cope with the anxiety and stress, such as seeing a therapist or joining a support group.
      4. Encourage her to do things that she enjoys, even if it’s just small things.
      5. Help her with day-to-day tasks, such as housework, cooking, and taking care of the kids.
      6. Be there for her when she needs to talk.
      7. Encourage her to stay positive and to keep fighting endometriosis.
      8. Offer to go with her to doctor’s appointments, or to sit in on consultations with other healthcare professionals.
      9. Research endometriosis with her, and learn as much as you can about the condition.
      10. Help her to make lifestyle changes that may help her endometriosis, such as eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly.
      11. Offer to go with her to alternative therapies, such as acupuncture or massage therapy.
      12. Encourage her to take time for herself and to relax and do stress-relief activities.
      13. Be understanding if she needs to cancel plans, or if she’s not up for socializing.
      14. Don’t try to fix endometriosis, or tell her that it’s all in her head – just be there for her.
      15. Finally, love her unconditionally and let her know that you’ll support her through everything.

      In conclusion, endometriosis is a long and hard road, but you can do it! If endometriosis is making your marriage harder, then you need to talk about it. You need to communicate with each other. You need to be honest with each other.

      It is important in a healthy relationship, but even more, being the husband of a wife with endometriosis.

      Endometriosis doesn’t have to end your marriage, it can actually make it stronger.

      If you have any tips on how to help a stressed wife who has endometriosis, please share them in the comments below.

      Take good care of her!

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      Endometriosis e-Book for Men

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        Signature Lucjan
        Lucjan B

        About Me

        Hi, I’m Lucjan! The reason why I decided to create this blog was my beautiful wife, who experienced a lot of pain in life, but also the lack of information about endometriosis and fibromyalgia for men…

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